
Key figures 2020






MW solar
plants in operation


GW in project pipeline &

Board of Directors' report

Highlights 2020

  • Proportionate revenues of NOK 2,844 million (6,341) and EBITDA of NOK 1,306 million (1,571)
  • Proportionate Power production of 1,602 GWh, up 73 % from 2019
  • Entered into an agreement to acquire leading hydropower player SN Power
  • New solar plants in commercial operation in Malaysia, Ukraine and South Africa
  • Additional 320 MW in Argentina and Ukraine under completion
  • High project development activity in large growth markets – project backlog and pipeline increased to 10.5 GW
  • Raised equity of NOK 6,718 million to fund the acquisition of SN Power and further growth
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Proportionate financials

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NOK million FY 2020 FY 2019 FY 2018
Revenues and other income 2,844 6,341 4,725
EBITDA 1,306 1,571 961
Operating profit (EBIT) 690 1,111 773
Profit/(loss) -435 530 398
Net interest- bearing debt 1,851 7,312 4,214
Power production (GWh) 1,602 926 318
Scatec proportionate share of cash flow to equity 324 794 481

Proportionate revenues and EBITDA

Installed capacity and power production